Moments in nature help us to step back from the "noise" and to get in touch with the bigger picture of our lives
With the onset of the warm days of summer, I sometimes find it difficult to go back indoors once I'm outside. On the West Coast, with a long rain season, when the sun peaks through, I am usually quick to jump out and appreciate it if I can. Summer is a gem that is truly precious and magnificent to appreciate. So I understand wholeheartedly when some of my clients say they find it harder to choose to book a session when its so nice outside. And I tell them- you don't have to go inside if you don't want to- we can take the session outdoors in an ecotherapy oriented session.
Ecotherapy/ Wilderness Therapy- Natural Healing
There are so many healing properties gained from time spent in nature. Recently a term has entered the social space, coined by Richard Louv, called "Nature Disconnection Disorder". Essentially, he and others point to the way we isolate as organisms in our modern technology oriented cities, and spend less time being present in nature than any other society previously. This can cause a myriad of dis-easeful problems, including chronic fatigue, insomnia, chronic stress symptoms, and even emotional disregulation- anger and sadness in disproportionate doses.
I am a firm advocate of maximizing your time outside in order to ground and expand the awareness that comes from the wider angle of perspective that grows when we are in present moment contact with the natural world. Ever notice that things feel different after a walk? Or how your bottled up/ pushed down emotions can bubble up to the surface when you take a moment to slow down and breathe in some fresh air? No matter what the response, the process that is happening is your body finding its natural equilibrium, harmonizing with the rhythm of the natural order. This contact supports your whole health, mind body, heart and spirit.
If this appeals to you, it is possible to take your appointment outside to a park or other quiet natural setting where you feel comfortable. As we experiment with our relationship to the natural world together, intense growth, new perspectives and healing energy is accessed. The experiential quality of the work we do in nature really has a chance to come alive, yet there is also room for quiet supported reflection. Let me know if you are interested in this option in advance of your session and we can arrange the appropriate location. An important factor to remember is that confidentiality will be supported in the outdoor session, to the utmost of my ability, however it cannot be fully guaranteed.
For more information about Ecotherapy, follow the links below:
And stay tuned, as I will be adding more articles as the site expands.